Electronic voting machine has now days become an effective tool for voting. It ensures flawless voting and thus has become more widespread. It ensures people about their vote being secured. It avoids any kind of malpractice and invalid votes. Also such kind of system becomes more economical as consequent expenditure incurred on manpower is saved. It is also convenient on the part of voter, as he has to just press one key whichever belongs to his candidates. Voting machines are the total combination of mechanical, electro mechanical, or electronic equipment (including software, firmware, and documentation required to program control, and support equipment), that is used to define ballots; to cast and count votes; to report or display election results; and to maintain and produce any audit trail information.


  • Software used :AVR, OrCAD
  • Microcontroller :Atmega 8/16
  • Category :Electronics / Embedded
  • Project Report :Available
  • Coding :Available
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