Evolution of Legal Support Services and its Impact on the Legal Industry

The impact of legal support staff on the legal industry has grown considerably from the past several years and it has actually become an essential part of legal services process. From the days when lawyers used to deal with lots of paperwork, legal support services and acolytes have played a tremendous role in the legal sector. From doing extensive legal research to outlining legal summaries…

11 Pain Areas for E-commerce Entrepreneurs and How to Overcome

According to eMarketer, worldwide retail e-commerce sales were set to hit more than $1.9 trillion in 2016 alone.  And the numbers are expected to go up to $4 trillion by 2020. Today, I am going to share with you some of the pain areas for e-commerce entrepreneurs and the provide some advice and solutions to solving these problems. 1. Bookkeeping Running an online business is just like…

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